tbottom: 25 - Paph. malipoense 1 - Debra Brandt
tbottom: 25 - Paph. malipoense 2 - Debra Brandt
tbottom: 32 - Den. NoID - Sheila Nathanson
tbottom: 32 - Den. NoID from Yamamoto - Sheila Nathanson
tbottom: 33 - Cyd. Taiwan Gold 'Taiwan Orange' - Steve Hawkins
tbottom: 37 - Den. MiniI Snowflake - Sheila Nathanson
tbottom: 37 - Den. Sena Red - Bill Gourley
tbottom: 43 - Miltonidium (Mtmd., now Onc.) Rosy Sunset 'F' 1 - Bob and Yvonne Schimmel
tbottom: 43 - Miltonidium (Mtmd., now Onc.) Rosy Sunset 'F' 2 - Bob and Yvonne Schimmel
tbottom: 51 - Phal speciosa - Linda Stewart
tbottom: 61 - V. First and Last 'Hackneau' HCC-AOS 12-2020 - Courtney Hackney
tbottom: 61 - Vanda in Pot - Courtney Hackney
tbottom: 61 - Vanda NoID - MaryAnn Bell
tbottom: 62 - Asctm. aurantiacum (V.) - Sheila Nathanson
tbottom: 63 - Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset (Perr.) - Glo MacDonald
tbottom: 63 - Rhynchostylis gigantea - Brandon Silvester
tbottom: 64 - Pelatantheria [Pthia.] insectifera - Glo MAcDonals
tbottom: 65 - Ren. Kalsom 'Nan-Lon' 2021_01_05_009 - Sue bottom
tbottom: 67 - Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Bluebird' - Suzanne Susko
tbottom: 68 - Angcm. eburneum (syn. superbum) - Steve Hawkins
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. careyanum - Leslie Brickell (2)
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. careyanum - Leslie Brickell (3)
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. lilacinum - Leslie Brickell (5)
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. lilacinum - Leslie Brickell (6)
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. lilacinum - Leslie Brickell (7)
tbottom: 71 - Bulb. medusae - Steve Hawkins
tbottom: 71 - Bulbo. medusa - Suzanne Susko
tbottom: 72 - Bulb. Sheryl Kurizaki - Susan Smith
tbottom: 72 - Bulbophyllum Fantasia - Leslie Brickell (3)
tbottom: 72 - Bulbophyllum Fantasia - Leslie Brickell (4)