Gary Ayton: Autumn in Daylesford
Gary Ayton: Beautiful light helped by the wonderful bokeh of the Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 lens
Gary Ayton: Deliciously smooth bokeh of the Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 lens
Gary Ayton: Panasonic GH-1 with Rokinon 85mm f/1.4
Gary Ayton: 2K0C2222
Gary Ayton: Australian farm remnants
Gary Ayton: Canon 1D Mark III with EF 135mm f/2.0L lens at F/2.0
Gary Ayton: Les Miserables - Olympus 75mm lens bokeh
Gary Ayton: Paparazzi dog
Gary Ayton: Paparazzi dogs - bokeh
Gary Ayton: enchanted garden
Gary Ayton: dreaming of what life could be
Gary Ayton: girl leap frogging her brother
Gary Ayton: GA085309-1
Gary Ayton: the olde cart
Gary Ayton: Aussie garden diptych II
Gary Ayton: Aussie garden diptych I
Gary Ayton: iris at a winery
Gary Ayton: native hardenbergia bokeh
Gary Ayton: the path II
Gary Ayton: the path