London film premiere: London film premiere king Mark Boardman - celeb fan autograph collector TV star
London film premiere: CNN US News reports from London by interviewing UK celeb Mark Boardman live from London Leicester Square
London film premiere: Mark Boardman profile
London film premiere: Mark Boardman
London film premiere: Mark Boardman seconds after chatting Bruce Willis at the London film premiere of ' Over the hedge ' in Leicester Square
London film premiere: At the Ivy Restaurant for Lunch with friends , nearly Michelin starred and very good quality
London film premiere: Rising star Mark Boardman Dave Berry Steve Jones and Miquita chat about other celebrities on T4 Saturday
London film premiere: Celebrity fan and friend of the stars hits the headlines in Leicester Square , London for most celebs met
London film premiere: When Mark Boardman met Nick Jonas in London
London film premiere: This morning 2004 : Collectors corner
London film premiere: EDP press article
London film premiere: celeb hunter autograph man Mark Boardman
London film premiere: Grace adams - short of Big Brother fame interviewed by TV pundit and celebrity know it all Mark Boardman for his new chat show . They have a great rapport and swap numbers