hounddog_: American Robin singing at the community park
hounddog_: White-crowned Sparrows are common winter visitors to the park
hounddog_: Western Bluebirds live at the park year round. This is a male
hounddog_: Pop-up berry-eating Robin
hounddog_: A white-tailed Kite takes a break from hunting
hounddog_: Black Phoebes are often near the barn
hounddog_: Yellow-rumped Warblers are another winter visitor
hounddog_: American Pipits come through in large groups
hounddog_: Western Bluebird male
hounddog_: Immature White-crowned Sparrow is told by the brownish head stripes
hounddog_: European Starlings are much maligned as an invasive species. I can never blame them for being here and they are quite striking in the winter. They breed twice a season at the park
hounddog_: American Robins look so different from the back when their red breast is hidden
hounddog_: A big flock of Band-tailed Pigeons flew over
hounddog_: American Kestrel female is often seen hunting near the parking lot
hounddog_: Golden-crowned Sparrows are another winter visitor
hounddog_: Female Bluebird shows off her subtle beauty
hounddog_: American Robin singing
hounddog_: Acorn Woodpeckers live at the park year round
hounddog_: White-tailed Kite stretches its wing
hounddog_: Western Bluebird take-off
hounddog_: American Pipit rouse
hounddog_: American Robin Berry picking sequence
hounddog_: The bird leans in to the berry cluster
hounddog_: Making a selection
hounddog_: Snagging the berry
hounddog_: Gulp
hounddog_: You can see the bulge in the Robin's throat as the berry goes down
hounddog_: Another berry snagged
hounddog_: Immature Cooper's Hawk surveying the breakfast prospects
hounddog_: Fox Sparrows are yet another winter visiting sparrow at the park