ThatMattWade: selling commerative t-shirts... sweet
ThatMattWade: selling buttons, flags, and pennants... PLAY BALL!
ThatMattWade: Secret Service's Finest
ThatMattWade: media galore
ThatMattWade: the greater percentage of latin america decided to come buy and sing lots of songs
ThatMattWade: security anyone?
ThatMattWade: overlookers and media (univsion actualmente)
ThatMattWade: DSCN3021.JPG
ThatMattWade: DSCN3022.JPG
ThatMattWade: DSCN3024.JPG
ThatMattWade: i see the pope-mobile!
ThatMattWade: DSCN3026.JPG
ThatMattWade: DSCN3027.JPG
ThatMattWade: El Papa
ThatMattWade: DSCN3036.JPG
ThatMattWade: the onlooks flow from pennsylvania ave