tenebboy: Marioposa Lily
tenebboy: Marioposa Lily
tenebboy: Marioposa Lily
tenebboy: Bobcat roadkill
tenebboy: Bobcat roadkill
tenebboy: Milkweed
tenebboy: Milkweed
tenebboy: Opuntia
tenebboy: Opuntia
tenebboy: Agave
tenebboy: Agave
tenebboy: Agave
tenebboy: Eriogonium
tenebboy: Red Monkeyflower
tenebboy: Red Monkeyflower
tenebboy: Red Monkeyflower
tenebboy: Red Monkeyflower
tenebboy: DSC08179
tenebboy: DSC08180
tenebboy: DSC08181
tenebboy: Trail erosion
tenebboy: Erosion
tenebboy: View from the cliffs
tenebboy: Trail
tenebboy: Erosion
tenebboy: Erosion
tenebboy: Lycaenid
tenebboy: View from the cliffs
tenebboy: View from the cliffs
tenebboy: Yucca