tenebboy: Primrose
tenebboy: Primrose
tenebboy: there's some rain over there ... glad I'm here
tenebboy: Snow Plant
tenebboy: Snow Plant
tenebboy: Western rattlesnake plantain, Goodyera oblongifolia
tenebboy: Mill Creek
tenebboy: Mill Creek
tenebboy: Dogwood
tenebboy: War Bonnet
tenebboy: War Bonnet
tenebboy: Lichen on bark
tenebboy: Hole in the Ground
tenebboy: Snow Drop Shoots
tenebboy: Mushrooms (Clitocybe)
tenebboy: Puff Ball ?
tenebboy: Carabid larva ?
tenebboy: Snow Plant
tenebboy: Meadow
tenebboy: itty bitty flowers
tenebboy: Skunk Cabbage Shoots
tenebboy: Skunk Cabbage Shoots
tenebboy: Bark beetle traffic jam
tenebboy: this graffiti is ok
tenebboy: Not the right kind of road for a Prius
tenebboy: Libellulid
tenebboy: Eriogonium
tenebboy: Tweety bird nest
tenebboy: The locals
tenebboy: Amber busted