Victor.Z: Kings_College_Saturday_Afternoon
Victor.Z: Kings_College_B&W
Victor.Z: King's College
Victor.Z: Clouds over Cambridge City
Victor.Z: Sundial @ Gate of Honour (Caius College)
Victor.Z: King's College with a Sunny Cloudy Backdrop
Victor.Z: Silhouette of King's Chapel in the Afternoon Sun
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel
Victor.Z: Alley
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel Intricate Ceiling
Victor.Z: Inside King's College Chapel
Victor.Z: The New English Hymnal
Victor.Z: Another take on the majestic King's Chapel
Victor.Z: To Delete or Not to Delete, That's the Question...
Victor.Z: Candles inside King's College Chapel
Victor.Z: IMG_9067_0639_DxO_raw
Victor.Z: Stained Glass
Victor.Z: IMG_9070_0641_DxO_raw
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge) in BnW
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge)
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge)
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge)
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge)
Victor.Z: King's College Chapel (Cambridge)
Victor.Z: Angel with Horn
Victor.Z: Painting in King's College Chapel
Victor.Z: King's College (Cambridge)