Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Simone and Bea hitting it off right from the start
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Simone and Bea hitting it off right from the start
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: dave sat in the car and summed up his feelings
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Rob finishing it off! 26 laps his 7th
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Neil getting his well deserved medal, he and Rob did 7 laps!
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: On the podium, 4 person team winners
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Simone and Rodd, with Matt
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Rob checking to see if he needs a shower before heading home
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Rob admiring his toes, Neil likes 'em too
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Tall Tree Cycles Green Crush
Tall Tree Cycles & Steelwool Bicycle Co.: Tall Tree Cycles Green Crushed crushed!