kthypryn: Josh's Graduation 5-30-09
kthypryn: 100_0583
kthypryn: 100_0585
kthypryn: 100_0586
kthypryn: 100_0587
kthypryn: Hello
kthypryn: Checking where he's been
kthypryn: Where are we going?
kthypryn: I'm saying a prayer that you know where you are.
kthypryn: Keep your eye on the road, old man.
kthypryn: We can make it together
kthypryn: I like riding on your shoulder
kthypryn: That cup is a handy peanut holder
kthypryn: Her we come
kthypryn: Thank you with a kiss for the peanuts
kthypryn: The two
kthypryn: The two
kthypryn: A game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: game of pool
kthypryn: pool shooting
kthypryn: pool shooting
kthypryn: pool shooting
kthypryn: pool shooting
kthypryn: playing a little tune