Biffo1944: Gloucester – extension to the Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester –Gloucester Life museum upper floors
Biffo1944: Gloucester - memorial stone for Bishop Hooper outside Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester - Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester – 16th-century Hyett House
Biffo1944: Gloucester – extension to the Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester – extension to the Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester – extension to the Gloucester Life museum
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Painting of the County Fire Office and Provident Life Office in Westgate Street
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Painting of Jemmy Wood, the ‘Gloucester miser
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Painting of the ‘Gloucester miser’ Jemmy Wood outside his bank in Westgate Street
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Demonstration of a horse-powered cider press
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - a model of the main Tudor parts of the Folk Museum building.
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - A chest from Holy Trinity Church in Westgate Street dated 1604
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Black Dog Inn photo
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - The black dog that sat on top of the Black Dog Inn
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Pin Papering (sticking) machine, a machine that automated putting finished pins in paper for sale.
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - map showing the location of the Westgate pin factory
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum – a Pin Heading (Upsetting) machine
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Pin Pointing Machine, a machine for putting points on pins
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Pin Heading machine, a machine for putting heads on pins
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Tariff of tolls charged at Over Gate.
Biffo1944: Gloucester, the Folk Museum - Salmon Putcher used to catch salmon during salmon runs.