scottspaeth: Whitetail Buck
scottspaeth: Whitetail Buck
scottspaeth: mallard
scottspaeth: Bathtime for Grackle
scottspaeth: Rabbit
scottspaeth: Red Winged Blackbird
scottspaeth: Common Grackle
scottspaeth: Goodfeathers
scottspaeth: Why Can't We Be Friends?
scottspaeth: Dragonfly
scottspaeth: Whitetail Stag
scottspaeth: Snowy Egret
scottspaeth: Jerky Starling and the Imperturbable Prairie Dog
scottspaeth: Starling and Prairie Dog
scottspaeth: Squirrel
scottspaeth: Snowy Egret
scottspaeth: Mama Mallard and Her Ducklings
scottspaeth: Sparrow, Finch or Pine Siskin?
scottspaeth: Snowy Egret
scottspaeth: female red-winged blackbird
scottspaeth: Mallard
scottspaeth: Missouri Botanical Garden
scottspaeth: Tower Grove Park
scottspaeth: Tower Grove Park
scottspaeth: Lone Elk Park
scottspaeth: Daffodil Duck
scottspaeth: Duck and the Abstract Truth
scottspaeth: grackles
scottspaeth: Lone Elk Park