scottspaeth: Rabbit
scottspaeth: Whitetail Doe
scottspaeth: Mardi Growl
scottspaeth: Lone Elk Park
scottspaeth: Lone Elk Park
scottspaeth: Braided Hibiscus
scottspaeth: Tools of the Trade
scottspaeth: Garden flower, what are you?
scottspaeth: Slumbering Gem
scottspaeth: Chupie and Nelly
scottspaeth: Female House Sparrow
scottspaeth: Mourning Dove
scottspaeth: Dusty Miller
scottspaeth: Mardi Growl
scottspaeth: Celosia, the garden stump's new neighbor
scottspaeth: stump at the foot of the garden
scottspaeth: Chupie and Mardi
scottspaeth: Fireside Chalupa
scottspaeth: Half Litter
scottspaeth: Princess
scottspaeth: banana nut muffins
scottspaeth: New Orleans
scottspaeth: Cozumel, Mexico
scottspaeth: Shipwreck
scottspaeth: Chalupa Batman
scottspaeth: Chris & Michelle
scottspaeth: Jesse
scottspaeth: Chris