NowIfly: a light dusting of snow started just above the parking lot.
NowIfly: Within a few hundred feet of climbing the views open up!
NowIfly: Wonderful traveling for much of this route, with a few small puzzles to work through.
NowIfly: Following the ridge towards Point 5,018. After passing it we continued along the ridge to the left.
NowIfly: Point 5,018 and cloud capped Miller Peak beyond.
NowIfly: Following the path of least resistance.
NowIfly: Regain the ridge at the saddle, center left.
NowIfly: Stay as close to the top of the ridge as is convenient, crossing over when needed.
NowIfly: Approaching the County Line.
NowIfly: Views of Freedom Peak and the "County Line" appear.
NowIfly: Snowing along the County Line Trail towards Freedom Peak.
NowIfly: Working the ups and downs along the County Line.
NowIfly: The weather did move in.
NowIfly: Freedom Summit!
NowIfly: With no views and weather deteriorating we bailed on Navaho Peak and headed down the the Stafford Creek trail.