NowIfly: The Umtanum Creek Trail begins with a bridge crossing the Yakima river.
NowIfly: It’s a wonderful trail following the canyon floor along side of Umtanum Creek.
NowIfly: A great spot to escape the rain that was falling on Snoqualmie Pass!
NowIfly: just beyond .07 miles the trail becomes braided. We lost it while crossing the creek, picking it back up it on the other side.
NowIfly: Kev
NowIfly: great stuff!
NowIfly: Came across this apple tree with the ripe fruit on it! We took a game trail up the gulch just beyond this tree on the north side of the canyon.
NowIfly: looking back towards Umtanum Creek at the bottom.
NowIfly: good stuff!!!!
NowIfly: we found a well defined game trail helping us on our way to the top of the plateau
NowIfly: There was a bit of avoidable scrambling.
NowIfly: There was a bit of avoidable scrambling.
NowIfly: hitting the top of the plateau we found some fast traveling in open country.
NowIfly: Baldy is a great landmark to the S-SE.
NowIfly: One more Gulch to cross on our way to the trail beyond.
NowIfly: we easily pick up the trail that follows the rim above the Yakima River, and follow it back to the trailhead.
NowIfly: Umtanum Creek Loop.