NowIfly: more cake please.
NowIfly: sometimes I crack myself up. :)
NowIfly: Friday night with Judith.
NowIfly: doodles from the big island.
NowIfly: cause and effect.
NowIfly: Paul Klee
NowIfly: how long the here after.
NowIfly: 18x24, oil on paper.
NowIfly: doodle
NowIfly: 18 x 24, oil on paper
NowIfly: George's Bench
NowIfly: Puako '13
NowIfly: 18 x 24 oil on paper
NowIfly: the garden
NowIfly: to be lost in space and time.
NowIfly: c,d&b
NowIfly: down the road a bit.
NowIfly: the eclipse.
NowIfly: we like to watch.
NowIfly: The Rim Walkers.
NowIfly: an idea I wanted to capture.
NowIfly: an afternoon walk.