Only Tradition: Eglise fortifiée de Parfondeval, Thiérache, Aisne. Iglesia fortificada, Norte de Francia. Fortified church, Northern France.
Only Tradition: Boeufs au sommet des tours de la cathédrale de Laon, Aisne. Cows on top of the towers of the Laon's cathedral, France. Cows helped to build the cathedral at transporting heavy materials.
Only Tradition: Cathédrale de Laon, Aisne, France. Catedral de Laon (pronunciar Làn), Francia. Cathedral of Laon, France.
Only Tradition: Eglise fortifiée de Prisces, Thiérache, Aisne. Iglesia fortificada, Francia. Fortified church, France.
Only Tradition: Eglise fortifiée de Beaurain, Flavigny-le-Grand et Beaurain, Thiérache, Aisne. Iglesia fortificada, Francia. Fortified church, France.
Only Tradition: Mémorial du Chemin des Dames, Cerny en Laonnois, Aisne.
Only Tradition: Eglise fortifiée de Plomion, Thiérache, Aisne, 16-17èmes siècles. Iglesia fortificada, Francia. Fortified church, France.
Only Tradition: Eglise fortifiée de Wimy, Thiérache, Aisne. Fortified church of Wimy, Northern France. Fortified because of the perpetual war between France and Spain in these territories on 16th century. Iglesia fortificada, norte de Francia.
Only Tradition: Mise au tombeau, 16ème siècle, église de Sissy, reconstruite après 1918, Aisne. Christ entombment, 16th century, rebuilt church of Sissy, Northern France, after WW1.
Only Tradition: Cathédrale de Laon, Aisne, 12-13èmes siècles. Cathedral of Laon, Northern France, 12-13th centuries. Catedral de Laon (pronunciar Làn), norte de Francia, siglos 12-13.
Only Tradition: Cathédrale de Laon, Aisne, Picardie. Catedral de Laon (pronunciar Lan), Norte de Francia. Laon's gothic cathedral, Northern France. Kryekisha (katedralja) katolike e gotike e Lan, Franca e veriut.