debarazzi2009: Pelican trying to pick up lunch
debarazzi2009: Pelicans
debarazzi2009: Pelican with lunch
debarazzi2009: The Pelicans
debarazzi2009: Pelicans
debarazzi2009: Blue Wren
debarazzi2009: Cocky's
debarazzi2009: Taking flight
debarazzi2009: Rainbow lorikeet
debarazzi2009: Pretty boy
debarazzi2009: I am a Pretty Boy
debarazzi2009: Hume weir Landscape (the swans)
debarazzi2009: Hume weir Landscape (the swans) 2
debarazzi2009: Tucker time
debarazzi2009: Just cruising
debarazzi2009: Australian dusk
debarazzi2009: Cockatoo
debarazzi2009: White Cocky
debarazzi2009: two seagulls
debarazzi2009: It's a bird
debarazzi2009: He's a Pretty Boy
debarazzi2009: Low Flying
debarazzi2009: Storm 2
debarazzi2009: The web