ArtyFx.: Founders Park.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Memorial Center.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Farmers Red Dot Sale.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Downtown,Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: In Car.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Cell Tower ,Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: BNZ Building2 .Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: BNZ Building .Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Old ANZ Corner.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Roundabout and Clock .Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Mainstreet.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: PostShop.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Park Playground.
ArtyFx.: Climbing Wires Structure.
ArtyFx.: Disk Seats.
ArtyFx.: Wheel Handles.
ArtyFx.: Handles in-a-Row.
ArtyFx.: Pictiur Perfect ?
ArtyFx.: Guitar Guy ,Local Busker.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Kiwi Rail 9112.Matamata.NZ.
ArtyFx.: Waikato Drought. Our local Sports Park Ground. Matamata.
ArtyFx.: Waikato Drought. Buckland Road.
ArtyFx.: Waikato Drought. Buckland Road.(spot the Sheep).
ArtyFx.: Waikato Drought. Buckland Road.Dry Stock.
ArtyFx.: Trainee Pilot testing his wings.
ArtyFx.: Trainee Pilot testing his wings.
ArtyFx.: Light Aircraft preparing for takeoff.
ArtyFx.: Light Aircraft.
ArtyFx.: Light Aircraft preparing for takeoff.
ArtyFx.: Elvis Lives.