LA Filmcutter: The line at "A Christmas Story" House
LA Filmcutter: The line waiting to get in for the next guided tour
LA Filmcutter: The Leg Lamp proudly displayed in the house front window
LA Filmcutter: The line waiting to get in for the next guided tour
LA Filmcutter: Christmas tree complete with wrapped bowling ball underneath
LA Filmcutter: Christmas tree in the house living room
LA Filmcutter: The Old Man and Mom's photos over the fireplace mantle
LA Filmcutter: The house living room complete with leg lamp
LA Filmcutter: Radio where Ralphie listened to Little Orphan Annie in the house living room
LA Filmcutter: Ralphie's BB gun present hiding behind the desk in the house living room
LA Filmcutter: The Leg Lamp in it's crate
LA Filmcutter: Stove in the house kitchen
LA Filmcutter: Sink and washer in the house kitchen
LA Filmcutter: "Daddy's gonna kill Ralphie!"...Randy's hiding place under the sink
LA Filmcutter: The infamous stairs
LA Filmcutter: Sink in the upstairs bathroom where Ralphie had soap put in his mouth
LA Filmcutter: "Lifeboy on the other hand..."
LA Filmcutter: The Leg Lamp proudly displayed in the house front window
LA Filmcutter: The Leg Lamp in all it's glory!
LA Filmcutter: "Yeah...a statue"
LA Filmcutter: Back view of the house where Ralphie almost shot his eye out
LA Filmcutter: Backyard shed where Black Bart's stooges scaled the roof
LA Filmcutter: Wider view of the backyard
LA Filmcutter: Ralphie's viewpoint of Black Bart's gang out the back window of the house
LA Filmcutter: The House all decorated
LA Filmcutter: The remodeling company who refurbished The House
LA Filmcutter: "Oh, you should see what it looks like from out here!!!"...The spot where the Old Man beheld the leg lamp from across the street
LA Filmcutter: Some of the official decorations in the gift store
LA Filmcutter: Two original BB guns used in the movie
LA Filmcutter: Some original Little Orphan Annie Secret Society materials in the gift shop