fruitcrow: Flight!
fruitcrow: Coming in to land
fruitcrow: Sandhill Crane
fruitcrow: Snow Goose
fruitcrow: Female Gambel's Quail
fruitcrow: Road Runner
fruitcrow: Brewer's Blackbird
fruitcrow: Ross's Goose
fruitcrow: Oregon Junco,Box Canyon
fruitcrow: Crane portrait
fruitcrow: Ladder-backed Woodpecker, on a fence post along the road
fruitcrow: A cottonwood tree,by the Rio Grande
fruitcrow: Gambel's Quail on an adobe wall at Bosque del Apache Visitor's Center
fruitcrow: Cranes Flying!
fruitcrow: Sandhill Crane
fruitcrow: Sandhill Cranes
fruitcrow: Snow Goose
fruitcrow: Western Meadowlark
fruitcrow: Say's Phoebe