aliceinwl1: White Fly (Family: Aleyrodidae) - on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Whiteflies (Family: Aleyrodidae)
aliceinwl1: Whitefly (Possible Aleuroparadoxus sp.)
aliceinwl1: Giant Conifer Aphid (Cinara sp.) - on bishop pine (Pinus muricata)
aliceinwl1: Aphid (Plocamaphis flocculosa) on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphids (Plocamaphis flocculosa) on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphids (Plocamaphis flocculosa) on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Plocamaphis flocculosa - on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Giant Willow Aphids (Tuberolachnus salignus) on Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus) on Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Giant Willow Aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus) on Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphids (Macrosiphum sp.) on Arroyo Willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphids (Tuberculatus pallidus) - on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
aliceinwl1: Aphid (Macrosiphum sp.)
aliceinwl1: Aphid (Macrosiphum sp.)
aliceinwl1: Aphid (Macrosiphum sp.)
aliceinwl1: Lupine Aphids (Macrosiphum albifrons) on Silver Lupine (Lupinus albifrons)
aliceinwl1: Lupine Aphids (Macrosiphum albifrons) on Silver Lupine (Lupinus albifrons)
aliceinwl1: Lupine Aphids (Macrosiphum albifrons) - tended by ant (Formica sp.) on tree lupine (Lupinus arboreus)
aliceinwl1: Acrobat Ants (Crematogaster sp.) tending aphids on seacliff buckwheat (Eriogonum parvifolium)
aliceinwl1: Woolly Oak Aphids (Stegophylla sp.) - on coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
aliceinwl1: Oleander Aphid (Aphis nerii) - on scarlet milkweed (Asclepias curassavica)
aliceinwl1: Wasp attacking black cherry aphids (Myzus cerasi) on cherry (Prunus avium)
aliceinwl1: Tending the herd - Argentine ant tending cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) on island mallow (Lavatera assurgentiflora)
aliceinwl1: Tending the herd - Argentine ant tending cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii) on island mallow (Lavatera assurgentiflora)
aliceinwl1: Black bean aphids (Aphis fabae) and green peach aphids (Myzus persicae) - on nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
aliceinwl1: Aphids (Chaitophorus sp.) - on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphid (Cavariella sp.) - on arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis)
aliceinwl1: Aphids - on coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis)
aliceinwl1: Giant Mealy Bug (Puto sp.) - Male