Cee: Sally
Cee: Magnolia
Cee: IMG_0371
Cee: Another pond
Cee: Drinks on the terrace
Cee: Val and Pauline
Cee: The birthday girl
Cee: A cat-themed present
Cee: IMG_0377
Cee: Dessert
Cee: Sally's speech
Cee: Sally's speech
Cee: IMG_0382
Cee: Sally's speech
Cee: IMG_0384
Cee: IMG_0385
Cee: Val and
Cee: Hannah reading "When I am old"
Cee: Sally quoting Pam Ayres
Cee: IMG_0391
Cee: IMG_0392
Cee: IMG_0394
Cee: Poem
Cee: Garden pond
Cee: Billy (I think)
Cee: IMG_0398
Cee: IMG_0399
Cee: IMG_0400
Cee: Sally, daughter, son-in-law and grandson