3Beerman: Planet of the Apes (One Sheet) 1968
3Beerman: Planet of the Apes (Insert) 1968
3Beerman: Planet of the Apes (Half-Sheet) 1968
3Beerman: Planet of the Apes (Window Card) 1968
3Beerman: Planet of the Apes (Three-Sheet) 1968
3Beerman: Beneath the Planet of the Apes (One Sheet) 1970
3Beerman: Beneath the Planet of the Apes (Insert) 1970
3Beerman: Planet of _ Beneath the Planet of the Apes (One Sheet Double Bill) 1970
3Beerman: Escape from the Planet of the Apes (One Sheet) 1971
3Beerman: Escape from the Planet of the Apes (Half-Sheet) 1971
3Beerman: Conquest of Planet of the Apes (One Sheet) 1972
3Beerman: Conquest of Planet of the Apes (Half-Sheet) 1972
3Beerman: Conquest of Planet of the Apes (One Sheet Style B) 1972
3Beerman: Conquest of Planet of the Apes (Three-Sheet Style B) 1972
3Beerman: Conquest of Planet of the Apes (Insert Style B) 1972
3Beerman: Battle for the Planet of the Apes (One Sheet) 1973
3Beerman: Battle for the Planet of the Apes (Insert) 1973
3Beerman: Battle for the Planet of the Apes (Insert Style B) 1973
3Beerman: Planet of the Apes: Go Ape (One Sheet Marathon) 1973
3Beerman: The Ape News (Promotional Piece) 1970
3Beerman: San Simian Sentinel (Promotional Piece) 1971
3Beerman: The Creature Walks Among Us (Half-Sheet Style B) 1956
3Beerman: The Creature Walks Among Us (Six Sheet) 1956
3Beerman: The Creature Walks Among Us (Three Sheet) 1956