Scopi: Dragon*Con 2007
Scopi: Silk Spectre and Rorschach
Scopi: Nite Owl
Scopi: Nite Owl and Ozymandius
Scopi: Golden Axe Characters
Scopi: Borg Couple
Scopi: Hobgoblin
Scopi: Horned King
Scopi: Disney Villains
Scopi: D&D
Scopi: Artoo in the basement
Scopi: Very large costume
Scopi: Father from Invader Zim
Scopi: Ultimate Cap
Scopi: Hopping Vampire
Scopi: Bender and Gandalf
Scopi: Slave Leia, anime style
Scopi: Not the Ash with the gun
Scopi: Back there, is that Sparta?
Scopi: Anime something
Scopi: Angela (I think)
Scopi: Black Manta and minion
Scopi: Ninjas
Scopi: Supergirl
Scopi: Supergirl and White Queen
Scopi: Superboy
Scopi: Red Son Superman
Scopi: Visitor
Scopi: Serenity crew
Scopi: Sci Fi showgirls