Scott Betz Drawing:
Road trip
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Portrait Detail
Scott Betz Drawing:
scott portrait
Scott Betz Drawing:
primarilty reductive
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
roadtrip detail
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
will welcome
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
roadtrip detail 2
Scott Betz Drawing:
lego drawing
Scott Betz Drawing:
kate portrait
Scott Betz Drawing:
mary jane
Scott Betz Drawing:
will portrait
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
marriage detail 2
Scott Betz Drawing:
installation view
Scott Betz Drawing:
marriage deatil
Scott Betz Drawing:
Scott Betz Drawing:
marriage 1ugaslide
Scott Betz Drawing:
"40/40 Drawing Suite (detail), Ink, Graphite and Rubber stamp on paper mounted on board, 13x19"
Scott Betz Drawing:
"40/40 Drawing Suite (Credit)", Ink, Graphite and Rubber stamp on paper mounted on board, 13x19"
Scott Betz Drawing:
"40/40 Drawing Suite (detail)", Ink, Graphite and Rubber stamp on paper mounted on board, 13x19"
Scott Betz Drawing:
"40/40 Drawing Suite (Lost)", Ink, Graphite and Rubber stamp on paper mounted on board, 13x19"
Scott Betz Drawing:
"40/40 Drawing Suite (Love)", Ink, Graphite and Rubber stamp on paper mounted on board, 13x19"
Scott Betz Drawing:
Baby Aisle Shampoo detail IIIII
Scott Betz Drawing:
Baby Aisle Shampoo detail IIII
Scott Betz Drawing:
Baby Aisle Shampoo detail I
Scott Betz Drawing:
Baby Aisle Shampoo detail II