quiltification: Bee blocks for Siblings Together #siblingstogether #stqb2
quiltification: January 2015 Siblings Together bee quilt block #stqb2
quiltification: Home sweet home blocks for Siblings Together.
quiltification: Some bright string blocks for Siblings Together. #stqb2 #siblingstogether
quiltification: My March blocks for Siblings Together #stqb2 #siblingstogether
quiltification: Some churn dash blocks for Joanne's Siblings Together quilt.
quiltification: Girly home sweet home blocks for Siblings Together
quiltification: And it's done! #siblingstogether quilt finally finished and ready to send.
quiltification: April blocks for Siblings Together Bee 2
quiltification: Double heart blocks for May Siblings Together Bee 2
quiltification: Double heart blocks for May Siblings Together Bee 2
quiltification: Double heart blocks for May Siblings Together Bee 2
quiltification: Double heart blocks for @patshyncatrin and #siblingstogether #stqb2. You did say "bright" didn't you, Catrin?
quiltification: I'm quick off the block this month. These are my June blocks for #siblingstogether #stqb2
quiltification: A finished quilt top for Siblings Together.
quiltification: Quilting on a quilt for Siblings Together.
quiltification: July block for Siblings Together Quilting Bee 2
quiltification: Another finished quilt for Siblings Together. #siblingstogether
quiltification: Wonky crosses quilt for Siblings Together.
quiltification: Wonky crosses quilt for Siblings Together.
quiltification: Chicken block for September - Siblings Together Bee
quiltification: October blocks for Siblings Together Bee 2.
quiltification: Three blind owls! Just need to add pupils and these blocks for #siblingstogetherbee2 will be finished. #stqb2
quiltification: Six blue and mustard (and grey) cross blocks are on their way. January's Siblings Together Bee blocks are complete!
quiltification: Happy Hedgehogs - finished February blocks for Siblings Together.
quiltification: Happy Hedgehogs - finished February blocks for Siblings Together.
quiltification: March blocks for Siblings Together
quiltification: My "squirrel at the wheel" quilt top is all sewn together. Thank you to the members of the Siblings Together Quilt Bee 2 for your blocks x
quiltification: Ruff! April block for Siblings Together is done.
quiltification: May block for Siblings Together