☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: close to you...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: fast love....
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: Back in the game...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: the champion...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: behind the blue eyes....
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: Moon over Bourbon street...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: Godra at club zero
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: first snow...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: just a jealous guy...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: give me love...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: "Something’s calling for me again..."
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: "...but I'll keep pouring my whole life into These broken roots..."
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: ...beautiful escape...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: nothing strengthens authority so much as silence...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: come to me...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: there is a difference between giving up ,and knowing when you had have enough
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: ...marching through the morning, Marching through the night, Moving cross the borders Of the Secret Life..
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: morning coffee
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: It takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory,and still to love it..
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder...
☽Lucky Yesmoon ☾: Friendship -The highest form of love where nothing is asked for, no condition,where one simply enjoys giving...