bothyDave: Arch +Colesseum
bothyDave: Colesseum + dig
bothyDave: Collesseum Palatino
bothyDave: Trajans relief 1
bothyDave: Trajans relief 2
bothyDave: Vromers
bothyDave: Angel and the Castle
bothyDave: Bastion CSA
bothyDave: Bridge and Castle of the Angels
bothyDave: Elephant and the Pantheon
bothyDave: Pantheon 2
bothyDave: Pantheon door and occulus
bothyDave: Pantheon roof
bothyDave: Spanish steps 1
bothyDave: St Angelo
bothyDave: DSCF3560
bothyDave: DSCF3566
bothyDave: DSCF3585
bothyDave: DSCF3579
bothyDave: DSCF3588
bothyDave: DSCF3606