dbourdon47: Deco Balls - Wk 1 Jan 1-7
dbourdon47: Buttons and Lace - Wk 2 Jan 8-14.
dbourdon47: Chipmunk
dbourdon47: Soap Bubble
dbourdon47: Bluebird
dbourdon47: Daffodil
dbourdon47: Camellia
dbourdon47: Lines
dbourdon47: Ornamental Blossoms
dbourdon47: Week 9 -- Hellebore
dbourdon47: High Shoals Falls
dbourdon47: Bradford Pear Trees
dbourdon47: Cherry Blossoms
dbourdon47: Spring Phlox
dbourdon47: Light Painting
dbourdon47: Wk 15 -- Smartweed in the phlox
dbourdon47: Dandelion Seed
dbourdon47: Wk 17 -- Trail Mix
dbourdon47: Wk 18 -- Fork and Spoon
dbourdon47: Tulip Poplar Bloosom
dbourdon47: Wk 20 -- Loropetalum
dbourdon47: Wk 21 - Lens Markings
dbourdon47: Wk 22 -- Wildflowers
dbourdon47: Gardenia Blossom
dbourdon47: Wk 24 -- Wildflower
dbourdon47: Wk 25 -- Black Eyed Susans
dbourdon47: Wk 26 -- Mushroom
dbourdon47: Wk 27 -- Togetherness
dbourdon47: A touch of blue
dbourdon47: A touch of blue