outof thebox: 32773242894_5f9b8872d9_o
outof thebox: will of john thaddeus
outof thebox: sarah jane harper hathewa
outof thebox: Sara Jane Harper- Isaac- 2nd row Mollie H. Mildred H. Gertrude H Ethel H. Murrell H. Back Row-Henry Thomas H. John and James H.
outof thebox: Nettie Thompson or right- wife of bill widner- and two daughters-Rose on left
outof thebox: molly widner daughter of Bill widner
outof thebox: Mable with parents bill and nettie
outof thebox: joseph and martha botts parents of eliza ann botts pauls gma
outof thebox: John widner dad of seth widner
outof thebox: johann widner
outof thebox: johann wideners father
outof thebox: johann john heinrich widner dad of John thaddeus widner
outof thebox: Jennie Widner
outof thebox: James Widner WWII photo
outof thebox: james albert hathewa hathaway son of Isaac
outof thebox: 50da23a0-b15a-4f96-8007-20d2fc9d7e49