Brookins: Setting up in the transition area
Brookins: Setting up in the transition area
Brookins: Setting up in the transition area
Brookins: Setting up in the transition area
Brookins: Transition area, looking towards Lake Cahuilla
Brookins: Transition area, looking towards the mountains
Brookins: Transition area gab
Brookins: Old Man & the Sea
Brookins: Sunrise at the finishline
Brookins: Sunrise over the lake
Brookins: Dennis and sunrise over Lake Cahuilla
Brookins: Lake Cahuilla, sunrise
Brookins: Lake Cahuilla, sunrise
Brookins: Lake Cahuilla, sunrise
Brookins: D's wave gets ready to start!
Brookins: Man vs. Nature, round 2: wetsuit boogaloo
Brookins: Almost time!
Brookins: Dennis at wave start
Brookins: And they're off!!
Brookins: In they go!
Brookins: Dennis's wave halfway to first bouy
Brookins: One of the many floating heads
Brookins: Dennis comes in from the swim!
Brookins: HE MADE IT!
Brookins: Smiles all around!
Brookins: To the bike transition!
Brookins: To the bike transition
Brookins: To the bike transition
Brookins: Swim to bike transition
Brookins: Swim to bike transition