Brookins: Eee! It's a snake!
Brookins: Eee! It's a snake!
Brookins: The snake stands alone, protecting the Burger King from evildoers
Brookins: Sweet, sweet bronto kisses
Brookins: Aww, eh likes you
Brookins: Brontosaurus kisses are the bestest! *MWAH!*
Brookins: Tyranosaurus toenails
Brookins: That turtle tries to hone in on my toenail action
Brookins: Reflections on Giant Toenails
Brookins: More Bronto!
Brookins: Bronto Closeup!
Brookins: Are those hippie glasses?
Brookins: Who can show more teeth?
Brookins: Massaging my temples like a good dino
Brookins: I will crush your head!
Brookins: RaaaaaAAAAAAaaaarrrraaagh!
Brookins: Super hero chest-puffing
Brookins: We are MIGHTY!
Brookins: Brooke and the TRex
Brookins: Trex-tacular
Brookins: Me and Rex, just hangin'