Judecat (back in Wildwood): sleeping in the palm of my hand
Judecat (back in Wildwood): den in the closet
Judecat (back in Wildwood): things are slowly coming into focus
Judecat (back in Wildwood): the little explorer
Judecat (back in Wildwood): Baby's got Blue Eyes
Judecat (back in Wildwood): discoverieng there is a world beyond the closet
Judecat (back in Wildwood): growing in leaps and bounds
Judecat (back in Wildwood): dear little Dora
Judecat (back in Wildwood): 'Why yes! I am digging my little claws into your leg!"
Judecat (back in Wildwood): "Wow! You're really big!...
Judecat (back in Wildwood): Her mother's daughter!
Judecat (back in Wildwood): "OMG!!!You're HOW old?"
Judecat (back in Wildwood): she's stolen my heart
Judecat (back in Wildwood): cleaning the house can wait
Judecat (back in Wildwood): perpetual surprise
Judecat (back in Wildwood): "I'm a Cave Kitty!"
Judecat (back in Wildwood): "I must take after my Daddy!"
Judecat (back in Wildwood): all together with Mom looking on