Fresh Ground: obligatory shot with the world champ
Fresh Ground: lovely Gwil
Fresh Ground: farewell
Fresh Ground: going bowling
Fresh Ground: soup with a world champion
Fresh Ground: tea with a world champion
Fresh Ground: spawn, anya, rob & reg
Fresh Ground: chemex @ intelli
Fresh Ground: a little bit of....
Fresh Ground: scores from the heats
Fresh Ground: scores from the heats
Fresh Ground: scores
Fresh Ground: scores
Fresh Ground: la marzocco paddle machine
Fresh Ground: paddle paddle
Fresh Ground: intelli roburs
Fresh Ground: paddle LM
Fresh Ground: intelli booth
Fresh Ground: i love russell, truly.
Fresh Ground: on bar
Fresh Ground: a bit more slayer
Fresh Ground: bronwyn
Fresh Ground: official schedule 2009
Fresh Ground: DSCF7329
Fresh Ground: octane kids - worked hard all week.
Fresh Ground: waiting for the announcements
Fresh Ground: WBC 2009 Trophy's