Moominpappa06: Awesome, dude
Moominpappa06: Holy Flying Buttresses, batman
Moominpappa06: Norwich Cathedral - Autumn 2006 (3)
Moominpappa06: Norwich Cathedral - Autumn 2006 (2)
Moominpappa06: Norwich Cathedral - Autumn 2006 (1)
Moominpappa06: A window where?
Moominpappa06: Have we had this before?
Moominpappa06: The New Narrow back streets of Norwich
Moominpappa06: Another View
Moominpappa06: St Mary Magdalene, Silver Road, Norwich
Moominpappa06: 161206 Reflections on the Forum
Moominpappa06: At the rising of the sun.....
Moominpappa06: Church Gate detail, Beccles
Moominpappa06: Where Plastic chairs go to die
Moominpappa06: A bit more orthodox shot
Moominpappa06: I'm watching you, always watching....
Moominpappa06: Bed and Lord
Moominpappa06: Guess where Norwich 290107 (1) - nestled in the bosom of the lord
Moominpappa06: John Lown and Mary his wife
Moominpappa06: Death of Grass
Moominpappa06: Little Devil
Moominpappa06: In-spiring
Moominpappa06: St Peter Mancroft - door statue
Moominpappa06: Forms of Worship
Moominpappa06: Natures fireworks
Moominpappa06: Wide mouthed frog gargoyle
Moominpappa06: Wide mouthed frog gargoyle and friend
Moominpappa06: Detail from the Ethelbert Gateway
Moominpappa06: Detail from the arch over the Ethelbert Gateway
Moominpappa06: 090307 Guessed - For the Where in Norwich Group game