Larry Herscovitch: bardowlone
Larry Herscovitch: redtailedhawktwo
Larry Herscovitch: hummingbirdone
Larry Herscovitch: harrishawkone
Larry Herscovitch: 1kingbirdone
Larry Herscovitch: 5lizardone
Larry Herscovitch: 1redtailedhawkone
Larry Herscovitch: 1babyduckone
Larry Herscovitch: 3birdthree
Larry Herscovitch: 2waxwingone
Larry Herscovitch: 3waxwingtwo
Larry Herscovitch: 4waxwingthree
Larry Herscovitch: 6waxwingfour
Larry Herscovitch: 1stellersjayone
Larry Herscovitch: Start of the Silver Lake Hike in Utah
Larry Herscovitch: 1blueherronone
Larry Herscovitch: 2blueherrontwo
Larry Herscovitch: 1kingfisherone
Larry Herscovitch: Humming Bird
Larry Herscovitch: Red Tailed Hawk
Larry Herscovitch: Floating About
Larry Herscovitch: Breathing Deeply
Larry Herscovitch: Find the frog
Larry Herscovitch: Hummingbird