Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Scottish Diaspora Tapestry Panels at St Giles Kirk, Edinburgh
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Scottish Diaspora Tapestry on display at St Giles Kirk, Edinburgh
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered panels from pupils in Scottish Schools
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered tapestry from pupils at Hollybrook Academy, Scotland
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered tapestry from pupils at Kirknewton Primary School
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered tapestry from pupils at Dunoon Grammar School, Scotland
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Sign accompanying embroidered panels from pupils at Scottish Schools
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered tapestry from pupils at Kilchrenan Primary School
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered Tapestry from pupils at Port Ellen Primary School
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Scottish Diaspora Tapestry Panels at St Giles Kirk, Edinburgh
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered Panels from the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): First Panel of the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry - the Logo
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Panel GE03 from the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered Panels from the Great Scottish Tapestry
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Embroidered Panel from Scottish Diaspora Tapestry