Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Spirit of Eternity Fountain at Abbot House, Dunfermline
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Stone Carving, Dunfermline Council Chambers
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Plaque to Margaret mother of William Wallace
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Unicorn Statue, Abbott House Garden
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Lady Anne Halkett Herb Garden
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Lady Anne Halkett Herb Garden Notice
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Marker and Thorn Tree where Margaret Crawford, mother of William Wallace is buried
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Marker forThorn Tree where Margaret Crawford, mother of William Wallace is buried
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Marker and Thorn Tree where Margaret Crawford mother of William Wallace is buried
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Mercat Cross Plaque, Dunfermline
Margaret Ferguson Burns (quitenicepictures): Base of Mercat Cross, Dunfermline