setboun photos:
Iran - 10/12/1978 -Shayad square and monument-huge demonstration for the first day of the holy month of moharam, the first day of Ashoura Tehran - Iran /// place Shayad - manifestation monstre dans le centre de teheran pour celebrer le premier jour du
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in front of the hospital Palhavi - tear gas - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes devant l hopital Palhavi disperse par des bombes lacrymogenes - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 51
setboun photos:
Iran - la revolution irannienne iranian revolution
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Iran - 18/12/1978 - Beeshte zarah cemetery Tehran - Iran /// cimetiere de Beeshte zara Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 35
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Iran - 18/12/1978 - Beeshte zarah cemetery Tehran - Iran /// cimetiere de Beeshte zara Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 35
setboun photos:
Iran - la revolution irannienne iranian revolution
setboun photos:
Iran - la revolution irannienne iranian revolution
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Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 46
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Iran - 27/12/1978 - after the killing of Bisto shah Esfand -violents demonstrations - the crowd attack the american symbol and american company cars - Tehran - Iran /// Apres la fusillade de la place Bisto Shah esfand, les manifestants attaquent les sym
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Iran - 29/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in the streets - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 58
setboun photos:
Iran - 29/12/1978 - a man is dead , he was shot while he was coming back to home, violents demonstrations in the streets - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - un homme vient de se faire tuer alors qu'il rentrait chez lu
setboun photos:
Iran - 29/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in the streets - Kourosh e Kabir - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 58
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Iran - 18/12/1978 - shoo polish- during iranian revoltion Tehran - Iran /// un cireur de chaussures - quartier pauvre du sud de Teheran durant la revolution - Iran /// IRAN25200 37
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Iran - 22/12/1978 -street life in front of the university of Tehran - Iran /// scenes de rues devant l universite de Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 35
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Iran - 24/12/1978 - poor area - Iran /// quartier pauvre de Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 44
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Iran - 24/12/1978 - reopening of the schools after two monthes Tehran - Iran /// apres deux mois de fermeture, reouverture des ecoles Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 35
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Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration in front of Iran air- Tehran - Iran /// manifestation dans les rues, devant iran air- Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 35
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Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 46
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24/12/1978 - demonstration - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 46 av karim Khan
setboun photos:
Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 46 av karim Khan
setboun photos:
Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - bus in fire in front of the american US embassy Tehran - Iran /// bus en feu devant l ambassade des etats unis - manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 49
setboun photos:
Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - bus in fire in front of the american US embassy Tehran - Iran /// bus en feu devant l ambassade des etats unis - manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 49
setboun photos:
Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - bus in fire in front of the american US embassy Tehran - Iran /// bus en feu devant l ambassade des etats unis - manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 49
setboun photos:
Iran - 24/12/1978 - demonstration - bus in fire in front of the american US embassy Tehran - Iran /// bus en feu devant l ambassade des etats unis - manifestation dans les rues, - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 49
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in the city center +Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 50
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in the city center +Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 50
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in the city center +Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes dans les rues du centre - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 50
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in front of the hospital Palhavi - tear gas - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes devant l hopital Palhavi disperse par des bombes lacrymogenes - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 51
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in front of the hospital Palhavi - tear gas - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes devant l hopital Palhavi disperse par des bombes lacrymogenes - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 51
setboun photos:
Iran - 26/12/1978 - violents demonstrations in front of the hospital Palhavi - tear gas - Tehran - Iran /// manifestation violentes devant l hopital Palhavi disperse par des bombes lacrymogenes - Teheran - Iran /// IRAN25200 52