Jerry 1: Teddy, Judy, Ardyn, and Carlys - 1946
Jerry 1: Albert, Myron, Grandpa Gottfried, and Jerry Bietz - 1942
Jerry 1: Alvin, Gottlieb, Emil, Magdalene, Grandpa Gottfried, and Albert Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Alvin, Ruth and Carlys Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Ardyn Thurn, 1952
Jerry 1: Ardyn, Magdalene and Fred Thurn - 1946
Jerry 1: Carlys Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Carlys, Pamela, Jerry Bietz k- ca 1947
Jerry 1: Emil and Albert Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Emil, Evelyn and Teddy Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Gottlieb, Anna, and Judy Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Grandpa Gottfried and Grandma (Mrs. G. A.) Bietz - 1946
Jerry 1: Grandpa Gottfried Bietz - 1951
Jerry 1: Grandpa Gottfried Bietz 1946
Jerry 1: Grandpa Gottfried with Alvin, Ruth, Carlys, and Pamela Bietz - 1950
Jerry 1: Harriet, Olga, Ed, Marion Field - silver anniversary, July 10, 1949
Jerry 1: Jerry Bietz, Donna, Galen, Jerry, Janeva Schaeffer, Myron Bietz - at Schaeffers, Medina, ND, 1951
Jerry 1: Jerry Bietz, Mrs. Joerke, Myron Bietz, Spencer Joerke, Grandpa Gottfried Bietz, Mrs. G. A. Bietz
Jerry 1: Jerry, Penny, Carlys Bietz - CA visitors, 1949
Jerry 1: Myron, Grandpa Gottfried, and Jerry Bietz - 1942
Jerry 1: Pamela Bietz - 1951
Jerry 1: Pamela, Carlys, and Jerry Bietz, in rye field, summer 1949