amazing_podgirl: flight to Gothenburg
amazing_podgirl: early morning, Gothenburg hotel
amazing_podgirl: hotel room
amazing_podgirl: Joe trying liquorice
amazing_podgirl: walk in the park
amazing_podgirl: city streets
amazing_podgirl: ballet
amazing_podgirl: Joseph between two obelisks
amazing_podgirl: great name
amazing_podgirl: Gothenburg
amazing_podgirl: Amanda Boman invented Swedish cuisine
amazing_podgirl: view of Gothenburg from hotel rooftop
amazing_podgirl: hotel butterflies
amazing_podgirl: hissen & trappan
amazing_podgirl: hiss for hogst
amazing_podgirl: morning coffee
amazing_podgirl: goodbye Gothenburg
amazing_podgirl: train to Stockholm
amazing_podgirl: train to Stockholm
amazing_podgirl: train to Stockholm