H.G.R: The Water Wheel 1009
H.G.R: Aberdulais Tin Works 1101
H.G.R: Insect House 1071
H.G.R: The Chimney Stack 1040
H.G.R: Aberdulais Falls 1096
H.G.R: Rainbow Falls 1429
H.G.R: Pulsar sensor 1498
H.G.R: The Water Wheel 1534
H.G.R: Aberdulais Through the Ages 1547
H.G.R: Aberdulais Tin Works 1550
H.G.R: Waterfall 1565
H.G.R: All in all it's just another brick in the wall
H.G.R: Weaving a web
H.G.R: Aberdulais Falls
H.G.R: Aberdulais Falls
H.G.R: Through the iron railings