H.G.R: The Boathouse
H.G.R: Taf Estuary - from Laugharne
H.G.R: Taf Estuary - from Laugharne
H.G.R: The Writing Shed
H.G.R: The Writing Shed
H.G.R: Humble bumble
H.G.R: All clouds head for Swansea!
H.G.R: Dylan Thomas Sculpture
H.G.R: Laugharne Castle 9921
H.G.R: Laugharne 9924
H.G.R: Laugharne 9925
H.G.R: English Congregational Chapel, Laugharne
H.G.R: Boat House 9922
H.G.R: Dylan Thomas Boathouse
H.G.R: Painted Lady Butterfly
H.G.R: Peacock Butterfly