Tash2074: 20091026_266
Tash2074: Duck in the Snow
Tash2074: IMG_1552
Tash2074: Bird in the Backyard
Tash2074: IMG_0698
Tash2074: Bird, Santorini, Greece
Tash2074: Ducks in Winter
Tash2074: Ducks on the Ice
Tash2074: IMG_1553
Tash2074: IMG_1591
Tash2074: IMG_1554
Tash2074: 20091026_149
Tash2074: bird on feeder
Tash2074: IMG_1359
Tash2074: Squawking at the camera
Tash2074: Geese in Flight
Tash2074: 20100109_9
Tash2074: loon
Tash2074: IMG_0693
Tash2074: Female Duck on the Ice
Tash2074: Wading Robin
Tash2074: Blue Jay on the Feeder
Tash2074: Turkey in the yard
Tash2074: Turkey in the front yard, day before Thanksgiving
Tash2074: Gull looking out under wing