Shonen63: Across the Tasman by 737
Shonen63: Puketutu Island
Shonen63: You can see my house from here!
Shonen63: Piha and the West Coast.
Shonen63: Goodbye New Zealand
Shonen63: Hello Australia
Shonen63: Still not looking good.
Shonen63: Hello Sydney
Shonen63: Glitch in the matrix
Shonen63: Mel & Dave
Shonen63: Tindaro and Marge
Shonen63: Potato Pizza
Shonen63: General Dynamics F-111C
Shonen63: General Dynamics F-111C
Shonen63: Bell AH-1 Huey Cobra
Shonen63: CAC CA-27 Sabre
Shonen63: Back to base after a long day
Shonen63: Cat TV
Shonen63: The wildlife.
Shonen63: Off for a swim
Shonen63: Bronte Baths
Shonen63: Bronte Beach
Shonen63: Bronte Beach
Shonen63: Tamarama Beach
Shonen63: Birthday pub.
Shonen63: Family Snap
Shonen63: Looking down on the party
Shonen63: The birthday boy!
Shonen63: Present time!
Shonen63: Present time!