Simon Lee532: Twist making
Simon Lee532: Twist Making
Simon Lee532: Fish gutting
Simon Lee532: Fish gutting
Simon Lee532: many irons in the fire
Simon Lee532: Many Irons in the Fire
Simon Lee532: Cubs Gutting fish
Simon Lee532: Cubs Gutting fish
Simon Lee532: Waiting for the irons to heat up
Simon Lee532: Fish on the fire
Simon Lee532: eating the end result.
Simon Lee532: Eating fish.
Simon Lee532: Eating Fish
Simon Lee532: I don't like fish
Simon Lee532: Branding irons
Simon Lee532: Branding irons
Simon Lee532: Fish gutting
Simon Lee532: This is how you start
Simon Lee532: Then you pull the head off
Simon Lee532: Twist making
Simon Lee532: Twist making
Simon Lee532: Cubs gutting fish
Simon Lee532: Cubs Gutting Fish
Simon Lee532: Cubs Gutting Fish
Simon Lee532: Then pull the head off
Simon Lee532: Pull harder
Simon Lee532: Got it
Simon Lee532: Twist smoking
Simon Lee532: Then fillet the fish
Simon Lee532: Cubs Gutting Fish