Simon Lee532: Cubs ready for science
Simon Lee532: Cubs ready for science
Simon Lee532: Leaders almost ready
Simon Lee532: Charlie armed with a coffee
Simon Lee532: Check the energy in dried fruit
Simon Lee532: Note the energy in a pie
Simon Lee532: Check the energy in a pie
Simon Lee532: Build a lattice bridge
Simon Lee532: Prep the base
Simon Lee532: Microscopes
Simon Lee532: Levitron
Simon Lee532: Water filters
Simon Lee532: Water filters
Simon Lee532: Making bicarb bombs
Simon Lee532: Put red cabbage in water
Simon Lee532: Cutting red cabbage
Simon Lee532: Bicarb Bombs
Simon Lee532: Levitron
Simon Lee532: Ropes and pulleys
Simon Lee532: Ropes and pulleys
Simon Lee532: Chop your red cabbage
Simon Lee532: Load the carton with vinegar
Simon Lee532: Load the foil pocket with bicarb
Simon Lee532: Jump for joy
Simon Lee532: Watch our for the projectile
Simon Lee532: Winding the coil for a motor
Simon Lee532: Motors made by Cubs
Simon Lee532: Digital microscope
Simon Lee532: Check your mass with a rucksack
Simon Lee532: what is the energy in a mars bar