Constance J.:
Letter "I" Found in Nature-100 Pictures Project
Constance J.:
Make Your Own Pathway
Constance J.:
I Feel Like the Birds Today...
Constance J.:
for Wolfy!
Constance J.:
"Live High"
Constance J.:
Foot Bridge to Smith College Campus
Constance J.:
Old Country Store Candy
Constance J.:
Old Country Store
Constance J.:
The Itsy Bitsy Creepy Spider
Constance J.:
Constance J.:
Constance J.:
On a Wing...
Constance J.:
G is for Grass
Constance J.:
Let's Get to the Point
Constance J.:
"Any changes, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."
Constance J.:
"Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand."
Constance J.:
Where have you been?
Constance J.:
Constance J.:
A New Beginning
Constance J.:
The Definition of a Ladybug
Constance J.:
Embrace Me in Softness
Constance J.: