Constance J.: Beauty Should Be Simple
Constance J.: Footprints in the Snow
Constance J.: Half Frozen
Constance J.: We Had the Most Powdery Soft Snow Today
Constance J.: Make Your Own Pathway
Constance J.: The Seeds of Life Bring a New Beginning
Constance J.: Caution:Slippery
Constance J.: --Lighthouse--
Constance J.: Weekend Trip to Maine
Constance J.: More Love
Constance J.: Marry Me?
Constance J.: Life is a Balancing Act
Constance J.: "Live High"
Constance J.: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."-Maya Angelou-
Constance J.: Broken
Constance J.: It's Really only Thursday-but Tomorrow is Friday!
Constance J.: So This is Where All the Leaves Have Gone
Constance J.: H is for Height